Pre Exam Preparations
Exams are aimed at not only testing the knowledge of a student but also at their skills and applications of that acquired knowledge.
In most cases, there are two types of questions you will come across:
1- Essay Style Questions:
These are not necessarily concerned with application of the knowledge but more so with the ability to develop and argue/critique a strong point. These types of question do not only require a reasonable amount of information, but also require that the person have a strong sense of creativity also, so that they can comment, critique and analyse.
2- Some exams may also contain problem questions, which is a scenario is presented and you have to apply the learned knowledge to solve the said problem. This question involves more than simply memorising the facts, it requires a thorough knowledge of them in order to be able to mould and apply them to the problem in hand.
What Approach To Take To The Question?
The approach is also very important. Students may have learned the subject and understood it but this is irrelevant if they cannot use this knowledge effectively. There is no perfect way to approach a question, and there is definitely no one way to do so.
Here are some points to consider when approaching your question:
- Illustrate your answer with relevant examples, if you can't remember any, use hypothetical situations as being able to show an example shows you understand and this is what the examiner wants.
- Relate to the question, every so often stop and ask yourself "am i asking what was asked?", you wont get any extra marks for answering what was not asked, so get into a habit of referring to the question and stating how the point you just made answers the question asked, examiners love that!
- Re-read your answer to ensure you made all the points, no point remembering you forgot something when its too late!
- Structure your answer making it easy for them to correct it, the easier it is to ready the easier it is for them to give you marks, in essence you will be rewarded for making their life easier!
- Plan Your answer as failing to do so may make the perfect answer look messy!
Other tips:
- Drink plenty of water as a lifestyle as it fuels your whole body, and brain!
- Eat well coming up to the exam.
- Exercise and take breaks during study as you may burn your self out otherwise!
- Make sure and reward yourself, socialise, go for a drink or even watch some TV!
Best Of Luck!!!
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